Why should attend evenex 2020
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
Following the huge success of the 1st IFRC 2017 and the 2nd IFRC 2019, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) through the Faculty of Food Science and Technology (FSTM), as the country’s forerunner institution in food and agriculture, is once again taking the initiative to organise the 3rd IFRC 2024.
Following the huge success of the 1st IFRC 2017 and the 2nd IFRC 2019, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) through the Faculty of Food Science and Technology (FSTM), as the country’s forerunner institution in food and agriculture, is once again taking the initiative to organise the 3rd IFRC 2024.
Why should attend evenex 2020
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization